Hello Burgundy Tasters!

The vine! What a wonderful plant. Even more wonderful since this is a pinot vine. But the real point of this "Musing & Muttering" post is to welcome and thank all the readers of Burgoblog. I thought you may be interested to know that you are not entirely alone in reading this Burgundy-biased blog (you have 10,123 friends in 2008). I'm delighted to say that the top nationality reading the blog are the French -- 2,412 visits during 2008. Merci mes amis! The US is next (2,195 -- thanks folks!) followed by the UK (1,454 -- cheers!) and with fewer visitors but spending the most time per person reading the blog are Hong Kongers (221 -- xie xie!). During 2008 a total of 108 nationalities viewed Burgoblog, demonstrating the worldwide appeal of these splendid wines. I am particularly happy to have reached Burgundy imbibers in the United Arab Emirates (26), Vietnam (22), Greenland (12), Macao (4), Reunion (3), Ivory Coast (3), Saudi Arabia (1) and the homeland of Borat, Kazakhstan (1). I would love to post your tasting notes on the blog -- send them to david.burgundy@gmail.com. Bonne dégustation.


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