Monthelie 2005, Darviot-Perrin

What is red Monthelie supposed to taste like? After all a fair amount is produced: 5,118 hectolitres in 2005 compared to 15,783 hectolitres of Beaune rouge. Despite this significant volume the stuff is hard to find outside France because the village lacks a brand name. I can't say I am any wiser after tasting this offering from Darviot-Perrin. Like a high-quality ruby, the wine is flawless but unexciting and tells nothing of its origins. This could be a splendid bourgogne rouge or a gouleyant Volnay. Immediately appealing on the nose with ripe cherry and strawberry aromas it slips down like a snowboard over fresh powder. Burgundy? Yes. Monthelie? More study required. Echantillons welcome!


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